DXN offers opportunities for everyone to start a business with low-risk and low-cost :
Advantages of DXN membership:
- Home BUSINESS IDEAS with DXN means:
- Free lifetime membership.
Receiving discounts on member prices is different from the price for a non-member member.
- By joining a global project, you can sell products worldwide with your membership number or invite them to become members of your global membership number.
- Points collection system for each point product. When you buy products, points are added to you, as well as when members of your group buy.
- Financial return through your personal purchases.
- Material return through the purchases of members who are through you.
- Material return through the purchases of those who come through the members with you.
- Obtaining high quality health products with international certificates.
- Get free training inside and outside the company.
- Get free international flights annually to Malaysia and around the world.
- The income will pass to your heir after a long life, so do not waste your efforts.
- Sharing global profits 2% of the company’s profits are distributed to anyone who reaches Diamond Star.
- Receive monthly checks through every corporate office in the world.
- Home BUSINESS IDEAS with DXN means many types of income through:
_ shopping.
_ sales.
_ Members who have joined you.
_ Members who have joined your members.
_ Global profit sharing
DXN passive income comes to your bank account
- DXN is the world’s largest Ganoderma company and leading international direct selling organization.
- DXN offers you low price but high quality products; while maintaining a low profile and generating high income.
- The first Direct Selling organization to implement the concept of “One World One Market”; with a single membership, you can do your business in any country in the world and enjoy worldwide bonus.
- DXN’s products are developed in-house; we do our own cultivation, manufacturing, marketing and distribution.
- DXN is ranked No. 15 under the Direct Selling News (DSN)’s Global ranking for the year 2018.
- DXN utilizes a fair and Win-Win Marketing Plan; as your downlines get promoted, you will enjoy better rewards.
- Recognition and accolades from around the world.
- An organization consisting of a professional management team.
- A company that ensures health maintenance, financial independence and personal achievement; hence improving one’s quality of life.
How to create demand in 3 steps?
DXN marketing plan
DXN is a short form of Chinese word DAXEN Meaning: trust worthy. DXN produces more than 100 different products in its factories. If you have thoroughly studied my website, watched the videos and after all this you decided, that you would like to work with me, the first step is to register directly under me. My name is: Zsuzsanna Csontos, my DXN code: 310024004 these are the pieces of information you need to give at the sponsor data. If you click on the following link, it will be automatically filled:

Join thousands of people, who have retired healthy, wealthy and young with the DXN System. DXN’s unique Marketing Plan, helps you to use, share and build for your retirement:
- A system that will work for you and your future generations by leveraging time, effort and money : a 1% effort from 100 people instead of 100% effort from 1 person.
- A secure source of income with time and financial freedom : your income does not only depend on your time and effort. It is based on :
- Your own purchases
- Puchases by your consumers
- Entire volume of sales generated by your whole team
- Retire with passive income.
- Efforts you have made so far are insured : your position/status and income are transferable to your next of kin.
- Unlimited time – DXN gives you the opportunity to keep increasing your wealth for as long as you want. Start working as young as 18 years of age and keep on working for as long as you wish :
- No compulsory retirement
- Ever-growing business
No investment, no risk, more rest, better health.
Register here: